Cat Toys: Which Is Right For Your Cat?
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Cat Toys: Which Is Right For Your Cat?

Est. read time: 4 min.

Though dogs tend to get all of the credit for loving their toys, in reality, cats are just as much fans of toys as their canine counterparts. It’s actually not just a matter of fun, although fun is a major part of it, but it’s about your cat’s health, as well. Regular play is a part of a healthy lifestyle for cats of all ages. Cats may, on average, be even more creative than dogs when it comes to making a plaything out of seemingly ordinary items. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s cover some of the basics before we get into the DIY cat toys. We’ve also attached a link to one of our favorite sources, The Humane Society, on all things cat toy-related.

Does Your Cat Love Laser Pointers?

Especially after a long day at work, when you may not have the energy to be bouncing off the walls along with your cat, you may consider a toy that brings your cat as much joy and excitement as anything, and brings you some much needed rest and relaxation. Yes, we’re talking about the much cherished laser pointer! Your cat loves the thrill of chasing perceived prey, and, because they don’t get to do it as often as, say, a wild predatory cat, a green or red dot of light will suffice. So long as you avoid shining the laser directly in your kitty’s eyes, this should be a completely safe and fun way to allow your cat the opportunity for some good exercise and play.

Turn Household Items Into Cat Toys

As we mentioned, cats are incredibly creative when it comes to making toys out of otherwise ordinary household items, but you can get a little creative with them and make some DIY cat toys from things you may just have laying around. You can start with some ideas as basic as a Ping-Pong ball in a dry bathtub, which keeps your cat engaged for longer than the instant it takes to swipe the ball underneath the sofa in your family room. Anything cardboard is a sure winner, whether it’s a box, a paper bag, and especially if it’s the tubes from an expired roll of toilet paper or paper towel. These allow for amble scratching, biting, swatting and even sometimes fetching, if your cat’s in the mood. You can also get a little bit more involved and create some new toys from scratch, perhaps something like a doll with some alluring catnip sewn deep into its core. The most important thing to remember is that it’s all about fun; so don’t make it more work than it needs to be. It’s a toy, after all!

Steer Clear of The Ball of Yarn

Perhaps one of the single most prevalent misconceptions in the human/cat experience, and one that your cat might actually pay for, is that a ball of yarn is the ‘classic’ or ‘iconic’ cat toy. The Humane Society puts it atop their list of dangerous items that should be removed from your home in the ‘cat-proofing’ process. Following yarn, string or ribbon as cat-unfriendly items, they list paperclips, pins and needles, rubber bands and plastic bags, as any of these items could result in your precious kitty choking or suffocating. So, please remember that almost anything can be made into a toy for your cat, but use common sense so that you and your cat can play together for many, many years to come. Now, get out there and have some fun with your cat!