Cats & Allergies: Everything You Need To Know
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Cats & Allergies: Everything You Need To Know

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Those of us who suffer from cat allergies are familiar with the ongoing, year-round battle to ease symptoms. Maybe you’re not even a “cat person”—but there’s a good chance that someone important in your life is. Whether you’re learning how to manage your cat allergy symptoms or wondering if your own cat has allergies, you’re in the right place to learn: We’ve rounded up all our educational articles related to the subject of cats and allergies.

Situation: Your partner moves in and finds out they’re allergic to your cat.

First, don’t panic. It’s important to understand how common cat allergies are (twice as common as dog allergies) and the misconceptions that come along with them. For instance, cat fur isn’t actually the problem: People with cat allergies are allergic to proteins in a cat’s saliva, urine, and dander.

Combating something as microscopic as a protein found in your cat’s saliva, urine, and dander may sound like a daunting task—but there are plenty of preventative measures that can be taken to mitigate your or your partner’s allergy:

  • Invest in a high efficiency particulate arrestance/air (HEPA) filter. The cat allergen can linger for long periods of time, so continuously straining it out of the air will reduce your exposure to it.
  • Make your bedroom a cat-free zone. This means wash or, better yet, replace your bedding with an allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers.
  • Establish designated areas where your cat can travel within your house. Keep your cat away from your bedroom and workstations by closing doors, for example.
  • Minimize upholstered furniture and rugs or carpeting, which can vastly reduce the amount of allergen buildup in your home.
  • Brush your cat—outside, if possible, or in an open-air enclosure.
  • Invest in a Litter-Robot. Teeming with a combination of urine, dust, and dander, the litter box is the perfect breeding ground for allergy attacks. With the self-cleaning Litter-Robot, you no longer have to scoop!

Read the full article here: Cat allergies: Why are so many people allergic?

Situation: You want a cat, but you’re allergic.

Typically, female and neutered male cats produce less Fel d 1, the protein that causes allergies. There are also several cat breeds considered to be hypoallergenic. While none is 100% hypoallergenic, the following breeds are thought to produce less Fel d 1 or have types of fur coats that minimize shedding and dander, and are therefore less likely to cause cat allergy symptoms.

Eight hypoallergenic cat breeds include:

  • Balinese
  • Siberian
  • Devon Rex
  • Cornish Rex
  • Sphynx
  • Russian Blue
  • Bengal
  • Oriental Shorthair

View the full infographic here: 8 hypoallergenic cat breeds

Situation: You’re hosting a guest who is allergic to cats.

Playing host to someone who is allergic to cats isn’t much different than living with someone with cat allergies. Before your guest arrives, you’ll want to thoroughly clean your home:

  • Wash all of your guest bedding in hot water to get rid of any dander.
  • Clean area rugs and other upholstered furniture, which can harbor allergens.
  • Mop wood floors or schedule a professional cleaning for wall-to-wall carpeting a few days before your guests arrive.
  • Avoid last-minute dusting and vacuuming, which will only stir up dander in the air and may actually worsen your guests’ symptoms.
  • When you do vacuum, use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to trap allergens instead of blowing them around in the air.

Other steps you can take before your guest arrives include using a HEPA filter in guest bedrooms and common areas, creating a “cat-free” zone around where your guest will be staying, and keeping the litter box clean. You may also want to keep over-the-counter allergy medicine on hand to help them with any cat allergy symptoms that may develop.

Read the full article here: Guests allergic to cats? 6 tips for a more comfortable visit

Situation: You think your cat has allergies.

It’s not all about human suffering—sometimes cats themselves have allergies! How do you know if your cat has allergies? Here are some common causes of feline allergies, along with the likeliest accompanying cat allergy symptoms:

  • Airborne allergens (mold, mildew, dust, pollen, scented litter)—watery eyes, respiratory issues
  • Food (wheat, dairy, certain types of protein)—an itchy head and neck, digestive issues like vomiting and diarrhea
  • Fleas and flea-control products—itchy body, skin irritation
  • Medications—digestive issues, itchiness, wheezing, etc.
  • Human-based allergens (cigarette smoke, perfume, cleaning products)—watery eyes, respiratory issues, etc.
  • Materials (fabrics like wool or nylon, rubber, plastic)—skin irritation

If your cat presents with any of these symptoms, you’ll want to take him or her to the vet for diagnosis. There are many treatments available for cats with allergies, depending on the particular allergen.

Read the full article here: Allergies in cats: How to tell

Cat allergy symptoms are a major nuisance. If you fall into one of the four situations described above, we hope you’ll find the linked articles educational and helpful. Cats and allergies often go hand-in-hand, but that’s no reason to avoid our furry friends altogether!


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