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Cat in grass at risk of being infected by Lyme disease
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Lyme Disease in Cats: Uncommon, But Serious

Est. read time: 7 min.

At one time or another, you may have heard that ticks don’t bother cats. As any feline stalking through the brush in warm weather will tell you (or would if they could), that is a myth. So, can cats get lyme disease? It turns out that lyme disease in cats is uncommon, but not inconceivable—and it can be quite serious. Learn why your cat might be at risk, which symptoms you should watch out for, and tips for prevention.

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria spirochete species of the Borrelia burgdorferi group and is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in the world. The bacteria enters through the bite of a young tick (nymph) or an adult female tick. Infection typically occurs in cats after the tick has been attached for at least 18 hours.

Can cats get Lyme disease?

A cat must be bitten by an infected black-legged tick (Deer tick or Western black-legged tick). The tick must stay attached for at least 24–48 hours to transmit the bacteria as cats are highly resistant to its infection.

Cats are highly resistant to Lyme disease, and it is extremely rare for them to develop symptoms even if they are exposed to the bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) through tick bites. While dogs and humans commonly experience Lyme disease symptoms, most cats do not show clinical signs even if they test positive for the bacteria. Cats that roam outdoors in grassy, wooded areas are at a higher risk of tick bites.

The real risk of Lyme disease in cats is not to the cat itself, but that outdoor cats may bring infected ticks into the home, which could bite humans or other pets.

Can you get Lyme disease from a cat? Do cats carry Lyme disease?

No, you cannot get Lyme disease directly from a cat. Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick—not through direct contact with a cat.

However, if your cat spends time outdoors and brings ticks into your home, there is a risk that those ticks could bite and infect you. To reduce the risk, use tick prevention on your pets and regularly check them for ticks, especially if they roam outside.

Symptoms of Lyme disease in cats

Cats often do not exhibit any symptoms of Lyme disease. They may not always be obvious, but when they do appear, symptoms of lyme disease in cats may include: 

  • Lethargy lack of energy or sluggishness
  • Fever
  • Lameness or limping lasting for three to four days but resurfacing days or weeks later. This symptom can occur in one leg or “shift” from limb to limb.
  • Swollen joints
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Difficulty walking or stiffness. Lyme disease in cats may also manifest as a stiff walk with an arched back
  • Swollen lymph nodes close to the site of the infecting tick bite
  • Difficulty breather
  • Depression

If you suspect your cat has Lyme disease, consult a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Tick prevention is the best way to protect your cat from Lyme disease. In rare cases, symptoms associated with kidney problems occur. 

“It may lead to glomerulonephritis, which causes inflammation and accompanying dysfunction of the kidney’s glomeruli (essentially, a blood filter). Eventually, total kidney failure sets in and the cat begins to exhibit such signs as vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, weight loss, increased urination and thirst, fluid buildup in the abdomen and fluid buildup in the tissues, especially the legs and under the skin.”

Tick prevention is the best way to protect your cat from Lyme disease. 

Diagnosis and treatment

If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat during tick season, take him to a veterinarian for a complete blood profile, urinalysis, and other tests. The vet will look for the presence of bacteria, parasites, and fungi in the bloodstream, and may draw fluid from the affected joints for analysis.

Unless your cat’s condition is severe, the vet will likely have you administer an antibiotics treatment over the course of four weeks. You’ll need to keep your cat warm and dry, and limit his activity until symptoms have cleared up.

When treated promptly, cats with Lyme disease usually make a full recovery. In some cases, though, symptoms do not completely resolve—long-term joint pain may continue even after the disease has been eradicated.

Preventing Lyme disease in cats

The easiest way to prevent Lyme disease in cats is to keep your cat indoors. If he goes outside, don’t allow him to roam tick-infested areas (grassy, brushy, or wooded areas) during tick season. Indoors cat also live significantly longer than outdoor cat on average. 

Groom your cat daily so you can spot ticks right away. If you notice a tick on your cat, you can remove it by hand. Put on a pair of gloves, grasp the tick firmly near the head where it is attached to your cat’s skin, and pull it gently but steadily backwards away from the skin. Then place the tick in a container of alcohol to kill it—do not crush the tick between your fingers!

Your vet can also recommend a variety of sprays, collars, and spot-on topical products to kill and repel ticks. Don’t administer these products without vet supervision, as they can be dangerous to cats if misused.

It’s important to enforce tick prevention and control for more than just the threat of Lyme disease. A tick bite can also lead to what’s known as tick paralysis, which occurs when a potent toxin is released into the cat’s bloodstream through the saliva of certain species of female tick. The toxin directly affects the nervous system and can cause lower motor neuron paralysis, or a loss of voluntary movement. Furthermore, a large infestation of ticks can cause a cat to become anemic.

While Lyme disease in cats is uncommon, it’s best to take preventative measures against the possibility—especially if your cat goes outdoors. This tick season, keep your cat safe and bite-free!

What type of tick carries Lyme disease? 

Not all ticks can carry and transmit Lyme disease. 

ticks that carry lyme disease vs ticks that don't carry lyme disease

Ticks that carry Lyme disease include: 

  • Black-legged Tick (Deer Tick)
  • Western Black-legged Tick

Ticks that don't carry Lyme disease include: 

  • Lone star tick
  • American dog tick
  • Rocky mountain wood tick
  • Brown dog tick
  • Groundhog tick

When is tick season?

Tick season is generally considered to last from April to September, although ticks can be active any time of the year when the temperature is above freezing. In most parts of the U.S., lyme disease is transmitted by the black-legged tick, otherwise known as the deer tick. On the West Coast, the infection is carried by a similar parasite, the Western black-legged tick.

How to remove a tick from a cat

how to remove a tick from a cat

If you find a tick potentially responsible for Lyme disease (and even if not)m you should remove it immediately to avoid further infection risks. 

You will need: 

  • Fine-tipped tweezers or a tick removal tool
  • Gloves
  • Antiseptic or rubbing alcohol

Step-by-step removal:

  1. Keep your cat calm – Gently restrain them to prevent sudden movement.
  2. Locate the tick – Part the fur and identify the tick’s head, which is embedded in the skin.
  3. Grip the tick close to the skin – Use tweezers or a tick tool to grasp it without squeezing the body.
  4. Pull straight out – Apply steady, even pressure. Do not twist or jerk.
  5. Check for remaining parts – If mouthparts are left behind, try to remove them, but don’t dig excessively.
  6. Disinfect the area – Clean with antiseptic or alcohol.
  7. Dispose of the tick properly – Place it in a sealed container with alcohol or flush it. 
  8. Monitor your cat – Watch for swelling, redness, or signs of illness over the next few weeks.