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How Big Will My Cat Get?

Est. read time: 6 min.

After adopting a kitten, it’s only natural to wonder: How big will my cat get? While felines don’t have quite the range in size that dogs do, you’d be surprised to see the difference between a Toybob and a Savannah cat sitting side by side. That’s because how big your cat gets mostly depends on their breed.

How big do cats get?

As already mentioned, how to tell how big a cat will be starts with knowing your cat’s breed. We’ll cover some common large and small cat breeds below. 

However, there’s a good chance you either don’t know your cat’s breed or you have a mixed breed cat like the common Domestic Shorthair or Domestic Longhair. If that’s the case, there’s no surefire way to answer how big your cat will get. 

Depending on breed and sex, the average adult cat weight is between 7 and 15 pounds. Unfortunately, the upper end of this range is more often due to cat obesity than large breed status. In fact, 61% of cats in the United States are considered overweight to obese.


How to tell how big a cat will be

If you DON’T know the breed

Even if you don’t know your cat’s breed, you can use context clues to determine if your feline will be on the larger side: 

  • Male cats tend to grow larger than females, regardless of breed
  • Paw size: paws that look “too big” for a young cat may indicate they have a lot of growing left to do
  • Tail length: tails grow as cats grow, and a long tail may indicate that your cat will have a long body
  • Ear size: ears that look too large for a young cat may indicate they have a lot of growing left to do

If you DO know the breed

See if your cat falls into one of the lists of common cat breeds below.

These are considered the largest cat breeds:

  • Maine Coon
  • Ragdoll
  • Savannah
  • American Bobtail
  • Bengal
  • Birman
  • British Shorthair
  • Chartreux
  • Chausie
  • Highlander
  • Norwegian Forest Cat
  • Ocicat
  • Persian
  • Pixie-bob
  • Ragamuffin
  • Selkirk Rex
  • Siberian
  • Turkish Van

The smallest cat breeds include the following: 

  • Munchkin
  • Toybob
  • Singapura
  • Devon Rex
  • Japanese Bobtail
  • American Curl
  • Turkish Angora
  • Cornish Rex
  • Korat
  • LaPerm
  • Bambino
  • Dwelf
  • Kinkalow
  • Minuet
  • Minskin

When do cats stop growing?

In general, cats stop growing between 9 months and 2 years of age. Certain larger breeds—like the Siberian, Ragdoll, and Norwegian Forest cat—take 3 to 5 years to reach their full size. 

If aren’t sure how old your cat is, you can use physical characteristics to determine their approximate age:

  • Teeth: Kittens have baby teeth that fall out to make room for an adult set of teeth. Younger cats tend to have much whiter teeth. You will likely notice increased wear and tartar build-up the older your cat gets.
  • Coat: Younger cats tend to have soft and smooth coats, whereas older cats might have thicker, more coarse coats. 
  • Eyes: Kittens start out with bright blue eyes, while older cats may start to develop a cloudiness in their eyes.
  • Mobility and activity levels: These tend to decrease as cats age.

Tall cat breeds

Maine Coon kitten

How big do Maine Coon cats get?

Maine Coons are the most popular large cat breed in the world. But as with any breed, Maine Coon cats can range greatly in size and weight: Males and females generally measure between 30 and 40 inches long and stand up to 16 inches tall. Males weigh 12 to 25 pounds, while females weigh 9 to 18 pounds. According to the Guinness Book of Worlds Records, the longest domestic cat ever recorded was a Maine Coon named Mymains Stewart Gilligan—at an incredible 48.5 inches long!

Bengal cat kitten

How big do Bengal cats get?

As the name suggests, Bengal cats can also grow to be large. The Bengal is an exotic-looking manmade breed that is a cross between an Asian Leopard cat and a domestic shorthair. Bengal cats typically stand 13-16 inches tall and weigh between 8 and 18 pounds. Large male Bengals can weigh up to 22 pounds, but this is the exception rather than the rule. 

Savannah cat 4 months old

How big do Savannah cats get?

The striking Savannah cat is a manmade cross between an African Serval and a domestic cat. This breed is one of the largest (and most expensive) by far, often weighing around 25 pounds. Savannah cats hold world records as some of the tallest domestic cats out there—one measured 19.05 inches tall!

Ragdoll kitten

How big do Ragdoll cats get?

Like the Maine Coon, Ragdoll cats are considered “gentle giants.” They’re even known for going limp in the arms of anyone who holds them! These long, big-boned cats take years to reach physical maturity, with males weighing up to 20 pounds. 

Short to medium cat breeds

young Siamese cat

How big do Siamese cats get?

The Siamese cat is generally a small- to medium-sized cat. Females aren’t likely to weigh more than 10 pounds, while males can reach up to 15 pounds. A cat of this natural, ancient breed will have a long body, long legs, and a long tail—all while retaining a petite frame.

Munchkin kitten

How big do Munchkin cats get?

Weighing on average between 4 and 9 pounds, Munchkin cats land on the other end of the spectrum from many of the cat breeds we’ve discussed today. Munchkins’ hallmark feature is their short, stubby legs, which puts them at around 5-7 inches tall. In other words, how big do Munchkin cats get? Not very!

brown tabby kitten

How big do tabby cats get?

Like the question “how big do cats get?,” this one has no easy answer. That’s because tabby isn’t a cat breed, it’s simply a coat pattern. You’ll find the tabby pattern in domestic shorthairs, Maine Coons, Abyssinians, Bengals, and practically any cat breed out there. Therefore, tabby cats can be as small as Munchkins and as big as Savannah cats!

Are you still wondering how big your cat will be? We hope we’ve helped you narrow down your answer at the very least. While variability in size and looks isn’t nearly as important as personality, it is one of the many spectacular things about the feline population!